Klonopin Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

Research suggests that about 2 in 10 Americans may have problems related to substance abuse. This research, by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), also revealed that approximately 5% of the population have problems with drugs other than alcohol. The most widely abused substances in the United States are alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. However, the typical pattern of abuse and addiction is more than one substance at a time. For example, a person may be addicted to alcohol and prescription pain pills at the same time or addicted to both cocaine and heroin.

It is a public secret that many Americans have used drugs at least once, with marijuana being the most commonly reported. Perhaps surprising is the rise of prescribed pain medications, which are currently the second most commonly reported drug abuse by Americans in the last year. This abuse of prescription drugs is often poorly recognized. It does not get the same publicity as the abuse of street drugs like heroin or cocaine. Nonetheless, the fact remains that addiction to prescription pills represents a serious health threat to America. One of those prescription pills is Klonopin, a potent benzodiazepine. If you or a loved one are addicted to this drug, we recommend the best Klonopin addiction treatment in New Jersey and out-of-state.

Klonopin addiction in New Jersey

Recognizing You Have a Klonopin Problem

Klonopin, or clonazepam, is a common medication prescribed for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. Other popular drugs include Xanax (alprazolam) and Valium. Along with Klonopin, they belong to a family of drugs called benzodiazepines (benzos).

A way to conceptualize Klonopin addiction is to examine your psychological and physical dependence on it. Psychological dependence is defined by beliefs. An addict thinks he or she needs the drug to cope with normal life. Physical dependence, on the other hand, entails actual physical changes that may result in withdrawal symptoms and tolerance after a period of Klonopin abuse. Recreational users of Klonopin also may experience various tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.

Physical symptoms of clonazepam withdrawal may include:

  • Headache
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular heart rate or heart palpitations
  • Sweating
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Impaired respiration
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle spasms and cramps
  • Seizures

Both psychological and physical dependence on drugs has psychological, environmental/social, and biological roots. Research has also suggested that some drugs may not be physically addictive but psychologically too, since they may be highly reinforcing and very pleasurable. Here are a few questions that will help define your addiction:

  • Have you found it difficult to predict when you will use the drug?
  • Do you try to control or cut down on your drug use from time to time?
  • Do you have cravings in which you want to use Klonopin or other drugs in general?
  • Has your drug use caused some problems or hardships recently, such as being short on money or contributing to family and relationship stress?
  • Have you used drugs even when you thought it was a bad idea or even after they caused some major problems or hardships?
  • Do you have regrets, guilt, shame, or other negative feelings after your drug use?
  • Have you used Klonopin in situations that were very risky for you?

If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, and you are currently using Klonopin, then you may want to consider getting professional help, just to be on the safe side. We recommend New Jersey Klonopin Addiction Rehab Centers that offer a solution-focused approach to recovery from benzodiazepine dependency.

Finding Help for Klonopin Addiction in NJ

Klonopin addiction is not necessarily consistent for everyone. While some people become hooked pretty much from the start, the more common story is that some people begin by using Klonopin recreationally, then somewhere along the way get into trouble with that use.

People who develop drug problems do not necessarily experience consistent problems over time. While some individuals have continuous problems, a situation often called chronic drug dependence, others move in and out of problems so that sometimes they seem addicted and other times they do not.

Recognizing an addiction problem is the first step towards recovery. Now you can get New Jersey Klonopin addiction treatment with NJ Addiction Resources. We are partners of addiction treatment programs that use individualized approaches to treatment to help addicts rid their systems of substances. Their experience will ensure that you or your loved one receive the best care at the hands of dedicated therapists.

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